Call for Signature

Fossil feedstock is the main cause of climate change. In the realm of chemistry and materials, defossilisation is imperative to meet both the climate targets and the continuous demand for embedded carbon – the carbon bound in the molecules. This can only be achieved by utilising renewable carbon sources from biomass, direct CO2 utilisation or recycling. The concept of renewable carbon establishes the foundation for a future chemistry and materials sector that can be circular and sustainable. Simultaneously, the concept helps to reduce the dependence on imported fossil feedstocks like crude oil and natural gas. To successfully execute this transformation towards renewable carbon use, political backing is essential. The RCI manifesto outlines seven core recommendations directed towards the next European Commission, which aim at translating this vision into reality.

Key messages of the manifesto

  1. Ensure that carbon embedded in chemicals and materials is given more political attention as an important factor for material-related emissions. Renewable carbon derived from biomass, direct CO2 utilisation, and recycling must become a guiding principle for policies and targets regulating chemicals and materials.
  2. Make a stepwise phaseout of fossil carbon from below the ground for chemicals and materials by 2050 an explicit objective.
  3. Enshrine the 20% target of non-fossil carbon in chemicals and plastics by 2030 from the Sustainable Carbon Cycles Communication in binding legislation and  ensure implementation through concrete political action.
  4. Establish a Carbon Management Regulation to incentivise companies to replace fossil carbon from below the ground with renewable alternatives.
  5. Promote bio- and CO2-based[1] or -attributed content in parallel to recycled content in product-related regulation.
  6. Deploy carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) as a key strategic net-zero technology to supply sustainable and circular carbon.
  7. Support the transformation of existing chemical infrastructure from fossil to renewable carbon and support the transformation of biofuels plants into chemical suppliers without discriminating against existing production from renewable feedstock (including primary biomass).

[1] The use of the term CCU generally refers to the utilisation of carbon dioxide (CO2), but can also include industrial carbon monoxide (CO) sources prior to flaring or other conversions to CO2 before release to the atmosphere. In the US, CO2 and CO are grouped together as “carbon oxides” for purposes of Section 45Q CCUS tax credits. In this report, “CO2 utilisation” is meant to also include other carbon oxides.

Disclaimer: RCI members are a diverse group of companies, institutions and associations addressing the challenges of the transition to renewable carbon with different approaches. The opinions expressed in this position paper may not reflect the exact individual policies and views of all RCI members.

If interested, please access the full version of the manifesto here.

With my online signature, I voice my support for the RCI manifesto for the next European Commission (2024–2029).


Please note: the below signatories voice their individual support to the manifesto, which does not necessarily reflect the exact position of the company, if a company name is provided.

# Name First name Company / Organisation Country Comment
298 Reetz Ivo Pulcra Chemicals GmbH Germany

Fully support the idea of renewable carbon

297 Kjaer Tyge Roskilde University Denmark

Full support.

296 Bakas Perry United States
295 Buitenhuis Caroli Green Serendipity Netherlands

I hereby strongly support the RCI manifesto for the next European Commission (2024–2029).

294 Steinbusch Kirsten NGF Biobased Dircular The Netherlands
293 Gomes Monica Netherlands

It is more than time to sink this Era of fossil exploitation. The sustainable management of above ground carbon can sufficiently provide the necessary resources for the future of the Chemical Industry. This manifesto transparently elaborates my strong conviction.

292 Bos Harriëtte Wageningen University and Research Netherlands
291 wories herman BioBased Circular Netherlands
290 Molenveld Karin Wageningen University & Research Netherlands
289 Hamoen Edwin Wageningen University & Research Netherlands
288 knutstad lars Genomatica united states of america
287 Capra Gianluca Italy
286 Parlevliet Patricia Green Pearl Innovation Germany

I fully support this initiative, because I strongly believe that we, the European people, need to move away from fossil-based chemicals and their products, leave the biomass for (alternative) food, and use other renewable carbon sources for our daily products.

285 Van Uffelen Wenda Lubrizol Belgium
284 Kirstein Mathias RITTEC 8.0 Umwelttechnik GmbH Germany
283 Gratzl Günther Plastrans Technologies GmbH Österreich
282 Cayuela Rafael Dow Switzerland

So happy to support and see the great success after the original declaration years ago. It is key that governments , work with industry, NGOs and think tanks to make this Molecular transition ASAP. In a non fossil world we will still need plenty of renewable carbon but we will need to create the right framework and business models for renewable and circular carbon ! Full support to build up this together and asap

281 Pan Qiuchi ccloop association Switzerland
280 Koggel Enrico Circular Rubber Platform Netherlands

We are fully aligned with this Manifesto and support any possible action towards it!

279 Soukup Christoph Steinbeis Beratungszentrum Circular Economy Germany
278 Hirsch Noah ETB Global B.V. Netherlands

we need more voice from policymakers to bring bio-based chemicals on stage in commercial quantities.

277 Mees Benjamin CE Biobased Chemicals GmbH Germany
276 Janáky Csaba eChemicles Hungary
275 Coope-Epstein Janet Henkel Consumer Brands United States
274 Mytych Michal
273 Pastre Fred TANAGA Energies France
272 Lang Reinhold Johannes Kepler University Linz Austria

Circular Carbon Management in the technosphere is essential to combat climate change, to achieve and establish an all-circular carbon and plastics economy, and to support future industrial competitiveness. In short: it is a "Silver Bullet"!

271 Burer Mary Jean Innosuisse Switzerland

Expert also for the Solar Impulse Foundation

270 Dr. Fink Bettina C.A.R.M.E.N. Germany
269 Kaldenhoff Mathias SAP Deutschland SE & Co. KG Deutschland

People supporting sustainability have goals - the others only reasons. Any climate action and initiative means progress

268 Dale Lutz Retired United States

I am currently working with my legislators in the U.S. state of Minnesota to capture CO2 from wastewater sludge incinerators and corn ethanol plants, and "recycle" this CO2 to sustainable aviation fuel for the Minneapolis-Saint Paul airport, with the Greater MSP Sustainable Aviation Fuel Hub organization that includes Delta Airlines, Xcel Energy, Bank of America, Gevo, and others.

267 van Liempt Henk Scientists for Future
266 Bloemink Marrit Netherlands
265 Campos Mariana Braskem Netherlands
264 Picard Elodie Henkel Adhesive technologies France
263 Krapfenbauer Gottfried
262 Angermann Jens Südzucker AG Deutschland
261 Schmitz Kerstin AllocNow GmbH Germany

There's no plan(et) B...

260 Almeida Clara CLARA SOUZA ALMEIDA Netherlands
259 Schouten Geoffrey Institute for Sustainable Process Technology Netherlands

Transition means uncertainty, which is hampering investments in sustainable technolgies.
Uncertainty can be reduced by clear and targeted policies as part of a strategy towards a sustainable industry as part of a prosperous society.

258 Schilling Boris Givaudan Switzerland

Great initiative - and critical to support use of all renewable alternatives to fossil feedstock!

257 Peixe Amadeu Recupera ibérica Portugal
256 Ortigao Flavio Re:Lab AB Sverige
255 Schröder Benjamin Henkel Deutschland
254 Ferreira Lombardi Gustavo Braskem America United States
253 Elliott Jack Storx NZ New Zealand
252 Schriever Sascha Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen Germany
251 Swain Andy Henkel Germany
250 Dr. Schappel Jörg Kuraray Europe GmbH Deutschland
249 Straif Janina Austria
248 Kocic Nikola Lubrizol Advanced Materials Spain, S.L. Spain
247 Witt Pia nova-Institut GmbH Germany
246 Wulff Nadja nova-Institut GmbH
245 Engel Linda
244 Kirveennummi Maija Henkel Germany
243 Selling Maria Beckers Group Sweden
242 Savur Koray Beckers Coating Boya San ve Tic Ltd Şti Türkiye
241 Augustsson Nicklas Beckers Group Sweden
240 Blank Philippe Henkel AG & Co KGaA Deutschland
239 Archer Greg LanzaTech United Kingdom

The EU Green Deal contained a glaring omission in failing to begin to transition the 93% of chemicals and related materials being made from virgin fossil feedstock to renewable (recycled, CO/CO2 based and bio) carbon. By reusing above ground carbon; ending the harmful and wasteful process of incinerating or exporting waste; and encouraging carbon capture and utilisation we can shift to a circular use of carbon that brings closer the day we leave fossil oil and gas resources in the ground and achieve net zero. It is time for the European Commission to recognise the policy gap and act.

238 Sluiters Reinoud Strand Vier BV Nederland

Great initiative, we need to speed this up

237 Pinomaa Rasmus Kemira Oy Finland
235 Van Baal Olaf Cosun Beet Company Nederland
234 Hafenbradl Doris Electrochaea Germany
233 Harald Hecking Uniper Germany
232 Azevedo Eduardo Singular Energia Brazil
231 roux dit buisson jean louis neocarbons switzerland

great initiative thanks.
question: we are a start up looking for partners and investors to scale up a disruptive technology to make photosynthesis really industrial.
could you help us in finding those through the network?
thanks and best

230 Crusius Sjors FrieslandCampina Netherlands
229 Colijn Ivanna FrieslandCampina The Netherlands
228 Erica Ording FrieslandCampina Netherlands


227 Mayershofer Martin Sympatex Technologies GmbH Germany
226 Eck Juergen bio.IMPACT Germany
225 Ford Andrew UK
224 Byrne Annika IBB Netzwerk GmbH Germany
223 Schoeneboom Jan BASF SE Germany
222 Jacobs Ron Avantium Netherlands
221 Colstee Erik De Monchy International The Netherlands

Governance need to take the lead for accelerating this transition

220 Higson Adrian NNFCC The Bioeconomy Consultants United Kingdom

Greater urgency and commitment is needed from Governments to support the transition from a fossil based chemical industry to one based on sustainable sources of carbon.

219 Wachter Karina Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG Austria
218 Mangnus Peter Avantium Netherlands
217 Zorbas Haralabos IBB Netzwerk GmbH Germany

I hereby fully support the core statements of the nova/RCI manifesto, which must be urgently considered and implemented by the next European Commission!

216 Didier Rochet beckers Group France
215 Maria Josep RIBA Lubrizol Advanced Materials Espanya
214 Marin Dietmar Alpla Austria
213 Verhoeven Jeroen Neste Renewable Polymers and Chemicals Netherlands
212 Ding Hao
211 Weernink Jan ADM Belgium
210 Krishnakumar Ramachandran Nexio Projects Netherlands
209 Krause JUERGEN Germany
208 Krause Anke Germany
207 Taden Andreas Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Deutschland
206 Ehrhardt Tycho Netherlands
205 Laesser Georg ALPLA Austria
204 Saul Carolina Braskem BV Netherlands

Fully support this call for action that will help accelerate the transition towards the necessary net-zero circular economy.

203 Preegel Gert OÜ Fibenol Estonia
202 Puss Kait Kaarel
201 Jõgi Katrin Fibenol OÜ Estonia
200 Kruize-Muizebelt Inouk Avantium Netherlands
199 Perimenis Anastasios CO2 Value Europe Belgium
198 Bitschnau Chihiro ALPLA Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG Austria
197 Glöckner Volker ALPLA Werke Lehner GmbH & Co KG Germany
196 Van Uffelen Wenda Belgium
195 Hillebrandt Sönke Again Denmark
194 Van der Sluis Rob Avantium Netherlands
193 Nies Astrid Avantium Netherlands
192 Nijbacker Tom DOPS-RT Nederland
191 Langius Bart Avantium Renewable Polymers Netherlands

Defossilisation is imperative to curb climate change. Using renewable carbon as alternative feedstock will address the needs of a growing population whilst bringing back the supply chains to the EU continent, truly facilitating a circular economy. We can do this, let's go!

190 Angelici Carlo Avantium Netherlands
189 klaus guido Avantium Netherlands
188 Hamouche Amat Avantium Netherlands
187 Goorissen Heleen Avantium Netherlands
186 Kenbeek Anna Avantium Netherlands
185 Lambalk Math Avantium Netherlands
184 Vrees Mariska Avantium Netherlands
183 Mil, van Ton Avantium Netherlands
182 Hancker Mara IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V. Germany
181 Schmidt Isabell IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen Germany
180 Sousa Dias Ana Avantium Renewable Polymers Netherlands
179 Wang Bing Avantium Netherlands
178 Gijsbertsen Peter
177 Paredinha Araujo Mariana Avantium Netherlands
176 Otyuskaya Daria Avantium Netherlands
175 van Schaik Boudewijn Avantium Nederland
174 Strassburg Katrin Avantium Netherlands
173 Acquasanta Francesco Avantium Renewable Polymers
172 Groen Theo Avantium Netherlands
171 Tomás Rogério Avantium Netherlands
170 Geesink Tim Avantium Netherlands
169 Hille Christine Netherlands
168 Oosterhoff Tom Avantium Chemicals B.V. Netherlands
167 Krasovic Julia Avantium United States
166 Juffermans Imko Avantium NV The Netherlands
165 Balk Lukas Netherlands
164 Espinas Jeff Avantium Netherlands
163 Dezaire Thomas Avantium NV The Netherlands
162 Tremblay-Parrado Khantutta-Kim France
161 Holzheid Anett ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe Deutschland
160 Lubbe Nadia Avantium Netherlands
159 de Vries Peter S. E. Netherlands

Reduce fossil carbon use and use CCUS / DAC+UorS

158 Steutel Anne-li Kando USA
157 Goumans Ingrid Avantium Nederland
156 Grozier Ted Good.Lab United States

In conducting GHG assessments for our customers, many realize that Scope 3 Purchased Goods & Services is the main driver of their footprint. Finding ways to make consumer products and packaging while keeping fossil carbon in the ground is critical to their net-zero ambitions. I am convinced that we will solve challenges in energy and transportation. Materials are the hardest part of a 2050 vision!

155 Wessels Rudolf Avantium Netherlands

I voice my support for the RCI manifesto for the next European Commission (2024–2029).

154 Heijnen Maurice Avantium Nederland
153 Mellado Daniel Avantium Nederland
152 Remy Buser Bloom Biorenewables Ltd Switzerland
151 van der Vooren Thomas Avantium Netherlands
150 Constant Sandra Netherlands
149 Jongerius Annelie Avantium Netherlands
148 Stevens Maurice Avantium RNP Flagship Plant BV Netherlands

Let's take up our global responsibilities and leadership and accelerate our actions before we need to conclude we cannot meet the climate goals

147 van Gennip Andre Avantium Chemicals BV Netherlands
146 Wezeman Bert Avantium Netherlands
145 Roselli Alessandra Avantium Netherlands
144 Huppertz Ton Advance Netherlands
143 Lovric Josipa Avantium Netherlands
142 Leenders Nienke Netherlands
141 Visser Roy Avantium Netherlands
140 Fialho de Matos Lucia Avantium Netherlands
139 Blom Bas Avantium Netherlands
138 Kommers Remco avantium Netherlands
137 Chintada Jogesh Avantium Netherlands
136 de Jong Ed Avantium the Netherlands
135 de Josselin de Jong Emile Avantium Amsterdam
134 van Ophem Rosanne Avantium Nederland
133 Mehta Mayank Avantium Netherlands
132 Esmaeili Faezeh Avantium Netherlands
131 Smith Alan Avantium United Kingdom

Fully support this. It is essential that sustainable chemicals receive the supportive mandates and application of penalties for use of fossil carbon.

130 Verschoor Gerdin Zeeman Netherlands
129 Hadian Morteza Avantium Netherlands
128 Bueno Jorge Avantium Netherlands
127 Börger Lars Neste Germany GmbH Germany

Full support

126 Puijk Matthijs Avantium NV Netherlands
125 Schouten-Wijsman Stef Avantium Netherlands
124 Haveman Patty Avantium Chemicals BV Netherlands

I fully support this initiative

123 van Reedt Dortland Caroline Avantium Netherlands
122 de Vargas Miguel Avantium NV Netherlands
121 Marlowe Jennifer Netherlands
120 Luten Aarne Avantium
119 Roth Guilherme Avantium NV Netherlands
118 de Fluiter Charlotte Avantium Netherlands
117 Kuhlmann Verena nova-Institut GmbH Germany
116 Boon Anouk Netherlands
115 Kromhout Rosa Avantium Netherlands
114 van Aken Tom Avantium NV Netherlands
113 Kaeb Harald narocon innovation consulting Germany

We need more political and legal framework support to drive chemistry and plastics to renewable and circular resources.
We need both: Biobased and recycled carbon - these are brothers and sisters in sustainable development.

What is missing here - and really needs to be included to find acceptance and smarter implementation:
1. Biobased carbon must be preferably used in longlife / durable / recyclabe applications to enable carbon storage structures lasting for decades
2. Product design: Renewable carbon in general shall be used in application which are not wasteful single-use. Such applications need to be phased out and shall not be the home of renewable carbon use to avoid greenwashing claims
Harald Kaeb - pioneer chemist for renewables since 1992

112 de Vries Eric
111 Bethmann René VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG Deutschland
110 FUDALA BÉLA Lubrizol Belgium
109 Mirizzi Francesco European Industrial Hemp Association EU
108 Sick Volker Global CO2 Initiative United States
107 Rovers Hans New Normal Consultants Netherlands
106 Kabasci Stephan Fraunhofer UMSICHT Germany
105 Frankenstein Toni NatStruct AG Germany

A very importand project and exactly what we stand for and work on!

104 Quance Gay Wyn Solid Carbon Products LLC United States

Strong thinking. We support.

CO2 is a carbon source for industrial carbons. Industrial carbons can be extracted from CO2 using a net carbon intensity reduction process. We've proven it. Carbon black can be produced from CO2, instead of from burning fossil fuels. Synthetic graphite can be produced from CO2 instead of from petroleum needle coke. We've proven it.

We support your initiative. CO2 is an inherent byproduct in key human-built environment materials production (cement, steel, alcohol 🙂 We have proven industrial carbon can be harvested from CO2. Fossil carbons do not need to be used for carbon black, synthetic graphite, carbon for steelmaking, The emissions from cement production can be converted into solid carbon which then serve as a replacement aggregate in the concrete. Also proven.

We support your initiative. Thank you.
Gay Wyn E Quance

103 De Wever Heleen VITO Belgium
102 Lueder Thomas Germany
101 Peters Wilfried IBB Netzwerk GmbH Deutschland
100 Vanderhoven Jen Bio-based and biodegradable Industries United Kingdom
99 Thielen Alex Polymedia Publisher GmbH Germany
98 Thielen Philipp Polymedia Publisher GmbH Germany
97 Tijmen Vries BioBTX Netherlands
96 Jain Abhinav Clariter Israel
95 Munier Jasper Clariter The Netherlands
94 Winter Armin University of Renewable Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna - Institute of renewable chemistry and Alchemia Nova Gesmbh Austria
93 Schönicke Petra valupa GmbH Germany

Fossile Carbon free Material needs more attention and support for a fossil free future asap.

92 Übelherr Jonas
91 Epenstein Monika Kemira Oyj Finland

Full support and absolutely essential to get political attention to this.

90 Poitevin Gaspard ESCP Business School France
89 Clemesha Martin Braskem Netherlands B.V. Netherlands

Fully support this call for action that will help accelerate the transition towards the necessary net-zero circular economy.

88 Stratmann Matthias nova-Institut GmbH Germany
87 Hendriks Sven Armacell Benelux Belgium
86 Diederik van der Hoeven Biobased Press The Netherlands
85 Gries Thomas Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen Germany
84 Pitk Peep Fibenol OÜ Estonia
83 Ketonen Marjo Ensto Finland

Beware of carbon capture optimism delivered by fossil industry.
Stopping the fossil material from entering our atmosphere in first hand is crusial to avoid mass extinctions.

82 Dr. Ortigao Flavio Recupera & Re:Lab Sweden/Germany

I fully support this initiative.

81 Bonten Christian Institut für Kunststofftechnik / Unversity of Stuttgart Germany
80 Nieuwenhuizen Peter Nuvae BV Netherlands
79 Delannoy Joachim Dioxycle France
78 Malins Edward Dioxycle France
77 Vignouf Gaetan Dioxycle France
76 bertraud alice sig
75 Gomes Monica Netherlands
74 Maistrello Jonathan France
73 Reiter Michael ETH Zurich Switzerland
72 Barou Claire Air Liquide United States
71 BAstien Faure
70 Burkhardt Lukas Olin Germany Upstream GmbH & Co. KG Germany
69 Beekers Marinus
68 Janika Stolze Germany
67 Tweddle Gillian Stripe bv Belgium
66 Slinko Andrey Dioxycle France
65 Scheltjens Gill D-CRBN Belgium

A circular economy cannot exist on CCS, let’s close the carbon loop with CCU!

64 Vanderhoven Jen FREY UK

Defossilise the hard to decarbonise industries as a priority please!

63 Cvetkov Dragan Fala ltd UK
62 NAIK Milind EmmEn Marketing Consultants India
61 Siegmund Thomas REDcert GmbH Germany
60 Carrez Dirk Clever Consult Belgium
59 PARK OHJIN Lignum South Korea
58 Stone Joel Climate Systems Solutions United States

Strangely missing is The Value of Soil Carbon Capture Sequestration (SCCS) for Carbon Negative Solutions (Offering Low Carbon Intensity CI score materials)
Soil Carbon Capture Sequestration is delivering on solutions to improve soil health while sequestering carbon and improving the water holding capacity of soil. We can offer incentives in agriculture and the impact it has on agricultural economics and security of the food supply chain. These types of solutions can have an influence in meeting a net negative carbon economy using agriculture. Taking advantage of the power of soil carbon storage can offer diverse solutions towards a common goal of carbon emission reductions while also serving to improve food security and supply and water management.

57 Wakerley David Dioxycle France
56 lamaison sarah Dioxycle France
55 Pacheco Ana Patricia Portugal
54 Radstake Herman Netherlands

Politics is about negotiating and politicians have a state of mind everything is negotiable. Think not nature is. Forces like gravity, the power of life and thermodynamics of heat by CO2 don't negotiate but follow their physical predisposition (not 'laws' as this would suggest they can be changed). Please accept that and act accordingly.

53 Vetter Jonas Maastricht University Netherlands
52 Heaselgrave Ellen UK
51 Delgado Robles Maria Fundacion Juan Cruzado Spain

From our side, we believe this kind of actions are essential so we support and promote all actions that benefit people to live better and safely.

50 Jurjen Spekreijse BTG Biomass Technology Group The Netherlands
49 Zhenova Anna Green Rose Chemistry UK

The EU needs to lead the way on defossilisation or risk being left behind as the US and China take the lead in sustainable chemistry. Focused, long-term commitments (10-15 years) to support renewable carbon are key to drawing private investors who are eager to support sustainable initiatives.

48 van den Bosch Octave Dioxycle France
47 Thompson Dhara Rethink Events UK
46 Greven Peter Peter Greven GmbH & Co KG Germany
45 Weinbeck Xandra Invest-NL Netherlands

Just invest in circular and green sources of carbon.

44 Antila Heli Chempolis Oy Finland

This manifesto is excellent.

In addition I would like to emphasise biomasses which have captured carbon in short term before usage. For example in agriculture straws store carbon in a few months. If this carbon can be stored and used in biomaterials, -chemicals etc. this has more powerful impact to climate than forest based carbon which has been stored during tens of years. So time dimension would be important even though I understadnd that it is difficult to take into account.

43 Ziegler Oliver PtX Lab Lausitz (ZUG gGmbH) Germany

There’s no life without carbon. There’s no future without carbon circular economy.

42 Steeg Daniel nova-Institut GmbH Germany
41 Jaafour Marouane Henkel Germany

Because they are no plan(et) B...

40 Carus Michael nova-Institute Germany

So important, especially to guide Timmermans follower and the next European Commission in the right direction!

39 Ruiz Pauline nova-Institut GmbH Germany
38 Rodriguez Puertas Carlos Hansen & Rosenthal GmbH Germany
37 Nejad Mojgan Michigan State University United States
36 De Soete Johan Tiense suikerraffinaderij Belgium
35 Foukaraki Marilia Cosun Beet Company Netherlands
34 Ilzhöfer Achim Covestro Deutschland AG Deutschland
33 Dr. Haessler Christian Covestro Germany AG Germany
32 Gürtler Christoph COVESTRO Germany
31 Adler Liv Covestro Deutschland AG Germany
30 Destro de Oliveira Yago nova-Institut GmbH Germany
29 Arbter Philipp Colipi GmbH Germany
28 Basaran Tunca Beril CosmoLabs Turkey
27 Coluccio Mayra Centro de Estudios en Nuevas Economías - Asociación Civil Argentina
26 Rudolf Matthew SCS Global Services USA
25 Scheidgen Arndt Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Germany

Supporting the manifesto as a key initiative to define the term Renewable based on the 3 pillars of Biomass, Chemical Recycling and Carbon Capturing & Utilization, and to drive industry and society efforts to significantly defossilize and increase the level of renewables along the value chain.

24 Sautner Freya nova-Institute
23 Güttler Barbara Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe Germany
22 Innerlohinger Jo-Ann Lenzing AG Austria

As industry and society need carbon in chemicals and materials a shift from fossil to renewable carbon is essential.

21 Sunder Matthias Henkel AG Deutschland

Defossilation is a key factor for a successful transition to a a climate neutral world economy. We must build an economy that is keeping all our feedstocks in the recycling loop. The fossil resources need to stay where they are: underground.

20 Schlagbauer Barbara Sulzer Chemtech United States
19 Kesenheimer Andreas nova-Institut GmbH Germany
18 Hark Nicolas nova-Institut GmbH Germany
17 Weidenfeller Jörg ARVOS GmbH | SCHMIDTSCHE SCHACK Germany
16 Porc Olaf nova-Institut GmbH
15 Hellwig Brigitte nova-Institut GmbH Germany

It´s time to act!

14 Angermann Jens Südzucker AG Deutschland
13 Brandt Adrian Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Deutschland

Defossilisation and transition to renewable carbon is key for a sustainable chemical and materials industry. All renewable carbon sources and types are needed to make this revolution happen.

12 Schwarzenberger Anke nova-Institut GmbH Germany
11 Puente Ángel nova-Institut GmbH Germany
10 García Sebastián Universidad Loyola Andalucía Spain
9 Engel Linda
8 Partanen Asta nova-Institute Germany
7 Banduka Dusica nova-institute Germany

I think all points mentioned are long overdue and it hurts to see countries like China and the USA providing initiative for their industrial players to invest into the necessary infrastructure and plants to make sustainable materials economically feasable. It is about time EU!

6 Theren Oliver Germany
5 Costa Ricardo Portugal
4 Krkljus Ivana BASF SE Deutschland
3 Proto Cassina Luciano nova-Institut GmbH Deutschland
2 Roberts Verena Renewable Carbon Initiative Deutschland
1 vom Berg Christopher Renewable Carbon Initiative Deutschland
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