Interest Group’s Design and Structure

1 The Interest Group

1.1. Name
This interest group shall be known as Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI).

1.2. Purpose
The Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) was initiated by nova-Institute after observing the struggles of the chemical and plastics industry facing the enormous challenges in meeting the climate goals set by the European Union and the sustainability expectations held by societies around the globe. It is clear that the industry has to go beyond using renewable energy. As decarbonisation is not an option for organic chemistry, which is entirely based on the use of carbon, an alternative strategy was needed. Hence, nova-Institute developed the renewable carbon strategy and set up RCI to bring theory to life. The RCI puts focus on an often overlooked aspect of climate change – the raw material base. The two main pillars of the initiative are 1) to create a network and community of like-minded organisations to find and realise renewable carbon-based solutions and 2) to create the necessary framework conditions for the transformational shift from fossil carbon to renewable carbon, e.g. by providing relevant information and talking to policy and public.

1.3. Means
The RCI is an interest group with the aim to support and speed up the transition from fossil carbon to renewable carbon for all organic chemicals and materials. RCI is made up of companies, research institutions and other players in the renewable carbon industry. The highest decision-making body is the board.

2 Administration and Structure

2.1. Lead Partner
nova-Institut für politische und ökologische Innovation GmbH
Leyboldstraße 16
50354 Huerth, Germany
Tel. +49 2233 – 460 1400
E-mail [email protected]
Managing Directors authorised to represent: Michael Carus, Linda Engel and Dirk Schubert
Court of Registration: Local Court of Cologne
Registration No.: HRB 44144
Sales Tax Ident No. pursuant of § 27a German Sales Tax Law: DE 811827699

nova-Institute is the initiator, administrative office and scientific backbone of the RCI. nova-Institute is responsible for membership administration, organisation, communication, coordination of the initiative’s cooperation, finance management and other tasks of an executive office.
Experts from nova-Institute coordinate and lead the scientific work requested by the board. This work can be carried out in cooperation with other experts and institutes; experts from the nova-Institute lead the working groups and ensure the scientific quality of all papers, publications and press releases.

2.2. Board
2.2.1. The board consists of the founding members (companies) of the interest group plus RCI members that joined at later stages; every company on the board can appoint two representatives.
2.2.2. The board decides on activities of the RCI that require a financial budget.
2.2.3. As lead partner, nova-Institute coordinates board activities and offers its strategic advice, however, it does not vote.
2.2.4. The minimum number of board members is ten, the maximum number of board members is twenty.
2.2.5. RCI members can apply for board membership after a period of at least three months RCI membership.
2.2.6. The members of the board will vote to accept new additions. A 2/3 majority is required.
2.2.7. Board members pay an additional one-time fee that matches their annual fee at the time of admission.
2.2.8. Board members are required to take part in monthly board meetings vote on strategic issues vote on budget allocations
2.2.9. Board decisions require a 2/3 majority vote.
2.2.10. Board members may resign from the board at any time without further consequences. The resignation does not affect their regular membership of RCI.
2.2.11. The board reserves the right of expulsion. In this case, the board shall decide on the exclusion of the board member by a 2/3 majority. The membership in RCI remains unaffected.

2.3. Working Groups
The majority of activities of the interest group are organised in working groups. A 2/3 majority decision of the board is required for the introduction of new working groups and the allocation of corresponding implementation budgets.

3 Changes to Design and Structure
3.1. Changes to the design and structure of the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) will be proposed to the board by nova-Institute only.
3.2. Both a 2/3 majority of the board and a simple majority of the members are required for adoption.

4 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year corresponds to the calendar year.

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