“With BioBTX as the new norm, the future looks bright. Our goals are less waste, reduced CO2 emissions and an independence from fossil resources.”

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‘Leader in Biobased and Renewable Aromatics and Circular Economy Technology’

BioBTX is a chemical technology development company based in Groningen, the Netherlands. BioBTX has developed a technology for the production of biobased and renewable aromatics from plastic waste and biomass.

The BioBTX technology makes it possible to produce the drop-in chemicals BTX (benzene, toluene, xylenes) from both biomass and waste plastics. These chemicals form the basis of 40% of all petrochemical products worldwide. The developed technology makes it possible to produce the drop-in chemicals completely independently of fossil raw materials. This makes an essential contribution to both circularity and sustainability objectives, such as CO2 reduction, replacing the use of fossil resources and reducing the amount of waste that is incinerated or landfilled. The technology makes it possible to produce chemical building blocks from waste streams such as post-consumer waste plastics, agriculture, mixed plastics, composites, etc.

BioBTX is currently working on the realization of its first industrial-scale plant, called the PETRA Circular Chemicals Plant. It will be operational at the beginning of 2025. This world’s first renewable aromatics factory will be located at the chemical park in Delfzijl. In addition, BioBTX will keep on developing its technology in the research facilities on the Groningen campus.



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