Cosun Beet Company

As one of the greenest and most innovative sugar beet processors, Cosun Beet Company is very enthusiastic about the Renewable Carbon Initiative, and a firm believer of working together towards a fossil free world.

The ambition of Cosun Beet Company is to be the greenest, most innovative and most successful sugar beet processor in the world. With some 750 employees, we are already one of the most efficient sugar producers in Europe. As well as developing, producing and selling sugar and sugar specialities, we process all parts of the sugar beet into natural ingredients for the food, energy, biobased and related industries. All components of the beet are used, nothing is wasted. Corporate sustainability is woven into our strategy for the benefit of our customers, growers and staff.

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As a cooperative of sugar beet growers, Cosun Beet Company has been an active proponent of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for many years. In the primary process, sugar production, economics, social responsibility and care for the environment go hand in hand. Our customers and consumers can rest assured that our products are healthy, safe and sustainable.  

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