ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University
Company Profile
ITA Group International Centre for Sustainable Textiles focuses its core competence on the goal of ensuring the holistic biotransformation of textile technology and thus the use of biological principles for cycle-oriented value creation processes. It sees itself as an internationally active research and training service provider with approximately 400 employees for fibre-based high-performance materials, textile semi-finished products and their manufacturing processes.
ITA Institut fĂĽr Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University is the core of ITA Group. It develops textile semi-finished products and other products for the areas of mobility, construction & living, health, energy & environment, information & communication, production and materials technology. At the same time, it acts as a qualification service provider in academic teaching and industrial training and further education for specialists in the broad field of sustainable textiles.
ITA Group also includes ITA Technologietransfer GmbH, which is responsible for direct industrial projects. In addition, there is ITA Academy GmbH, which acts as an educational service provider in the following two pillars: within the Digital Capability Center as a digital learning factory together with the McKinsey Company and in the area of “Textile Training”. Another part of ITA Group is the Augsburg Institute for Textile Technology as a textile research institution in Bavaria with a focus on recycling secondary raw materials and the development of thermoplastic tape-based composite systems. The last part of ITA Group is APS GmbH, which offers research and development in the fields of robotics, sponsoring and information and communication technology.
ITA Group is international, industry-oriented and interdisciplinary. Over the years, ITA has worked on publicly funded cooperation projects with industrial companies and academic research partners from various disciplines as well as direct research and development contracts from industrial companies in Europe, Turkey, Asia and the USA.
In addition, ITA Aachen has a fully equipped technical centre with around 250 textile machines and test stands covering all textile process stages, as well as various laboratories (e.g. textile testing, polymer analysis).