Verbio Vereinigte BioEnergie
“VERBIO joined the RCI to actively contribute to European transition to renewable carbon with all aspects of bio-based, CO₂ and recycling origin. We expect the initiative to be a strong leader and promotor for this sustainable approach.”
Verbio wants to share experience gained from 20 years of producing renewable products to shape the future of the renewable carbon industry in Europe. We expect the RCI to be a suitable platform to get in touch with companies along the existing value chains which share our mission to develop new products based on renewable carbon.
Company profile
Already today as a producer of bio-energy (especially bio-fuels) and bio-based chemicals, VERBIO is actively engaged in making renewable carbon accessible to the European and the global fuels and chemical industry market.
Verbio produces innovative sustainable biofuels (biodiesel, bioethanol, biomethane out of straw and residues) that save up to 90 % CO₂ emissions. The core of Verbio´s technology is based on a circular economy and efficient energy-saving production processes that are internally developed. Within our processes more than 99% of waste is recycled and forms the basis of a diverse and sustainable product portfolio. Agricultural raw materials and residues are manufactured into biofuels, energy, animal feed, bio-fertilizers as well as high-value renewable raw materials for the chemical, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and foodstuff industries.
The Group currently operates 10 locations in 6 countries with more than 1000 employees and, with it‘s innovative technology, makes an important contribution to global decarbonisation and the achievement oft he announced 1.5 degree target today and in the future.
With its innovative processes and highly efficient production plants, Verbio is a technology leader in the biofuels market and achieved 2.3 million tons of CO₂ emissions savings within the financial year 2020/2021.