Below you will find all relevant publications of the Renewable Carbon Initiative, including the official RCI flyer, our position papers focused on political advocacy, our scientific background paper to add objective arguments into the discussions, and additional elements like infographics, posters and supporting documents. ur materials free for press purposes and non-commercial use by naming the source.
RCI Flyer
RCI Flyer (May 2024)
The official RCI flyer that shows the goal and vision of RCI, benefits of joining the RCI and member overview (May2024 version).
Key Documents of RCI
Main Principles of RCI (October 2023)
This short document is setting out twelve principles to which RCI’s members have committed for a sustainable chemicals and materials industry to achieve a net-zero circular economy by 2050.
RCI Key Policy Messages (July 2023)
This short document contains seven key policy messages the RCI advocates for to shape the future of the chemical and material industry.
RCI Scientific Background Reports
RCI’s Scientific Background Report: “Non-level playing field for renewable materials vs. fossil in Life Cycle Assessments – Critical aspects of the JRC Plastics LCA methodology and its policy implications” (January 2024)
This report was mainly motivated by a study published by JRC in 2021 with the title: “LCA of alternative feedstocks for plastic products”, commonly referred to as the JRC Plastics LCA Method (Nessi et al. 2021). It is mainly aiming to provide additional context to highlight issues that might arise with implementation of the JRC Plastics LCA methodology, and dives deeper into five aspects.
RCI’s Scientific Background Report: “Case Studies Based on Peer-reviewed Life Cycle Assessments – Carbon Footprints of Different Carbon-based Chemicals and Materials” (November 2023)
This brochure presents five already existing peer-reviewed LCA case studies – representing the highest possible scientific standard – that examine the carbon footprint of materials and products made from renewable carbon. These case studies are on products from RCI member companies Avantium (NL), BASF (DE), IFF (US), Lenzing (AT), Neste (FI) and all LCAs have been peer-reviewed by external experts. The LCAs have been summarised by experts of nova-Institutes sustainability team.
This report was RCI’s first major publication and forms the basis for the concept and strategy of the RCI. Together with input from all members, the RCI has worked on an updated version.
RCI’s Scientific Background Report: “Making a Case for Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) – It is Much More Than Just a Carbon Removal Technology” (July 2023)
The paper highlights the importance of Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) and the need for more political recognition and support for CCU. CCU is a central pillar for the biggest transformation of the chemical and material industry since the industrial revolution. But it needs political support that goes beyond carbon removal only (
RCI’s Scientific Background Report: “The Use of Food and Feed Crops for Bio-based Materials and the Related Effects on Food Security – Promoting Evidence-based Debates and REcognising Potential Benefits” (June 2023)
The paper aims to show that the well-known debate on biomass utilisation for bio-based materials is flawed, subjective and not fully based on evidence. The authors of the paper argue that using food and feed crops for chemicals and materials will not necessarily exacerbate food insecurity, and in fact has the potential to cause multiple benefits for local and global food security, climate mitigation and other factors (
Short 2-pager summarising the key take-aways of the paper
RCI’S Scientific Background Report: “RCI Carbon Flows Report – Compilation of supply and demand of fossil and renewable carbon on a global and European level” (March 2023)
The Carbon Flows report is a compilation of supply and demand of fossil and renewable carbon on a global and European level. It provides a comprehensive understanding of today’s carbon flows and what it means to replace fossil carbon with renewable carbon in the materials and chemicals sectors (
RCI’s Scientific BACKGROUND Report: “CO2 Reduction potential of the chemical industry through CCU” (MAY 2022)
In an exploratory scenario, this study investigates the COâ‚‚ emission reductions that can be achieved in the global chemical and derived material industries if, as a plausible scenario, the entire demand for embedded carbon is met solely and exclusively via COâ‚‚-based methanol instead of methanol from fossil sources (
RCI’s Scientific BACKGROUND Report: “Renewable Carbon as a guiding principle for sustainable carbon cycles” (February 2022)
This is the core background paper of RCI and explains in detail why it is right to choose renewable carbon as a guiding principle for sustainable development in the chemicals and materials sectors (
RCI Position Papers
RCI’s Position Paper: “Chemical and Physical Recycling” (May 2024)
This position paper describes that chemical and physical recycling play essential roles in realising the objectives of the Green Deal and advancing the circular economy. These technologies are indispensable for the green transition.
This position paper identifies eleven requirements to create secure demand, drive investment and further improve the technology field.
RCI’s Position Paper: “Comprehensive Carbon Management” (October 2023)
This RCI position paper calls for new thinking and terminology when it comes to carbon management in order to achieve climate targets and secure a sustainable carbon supply.
RCI’s position Paper: “Commission Proposal for a Green Claims Directive (GCD) – Towards science-based substantiation of claims and accurate biogenic carbon accounting” (September 2023)
The RCI endorses the Green Claims Directive’s (GCD) mission to provide consumers and businesses with reliable, comparable, and verifiable information to facilitate sustainable choices. In our position paper, we emphasise three aspects that, in our view, require additional attention to maximise the impact of the GCD and support products and solutions derived from non-fossil, renewable-carbon-based feedstock from biomass, CCU or recycling.
RCI’s Manifesto for the next European Commission (2024-2029) (August 2023)
The RCI Manifesto highlights key issues for the new European Commission (2024 – 2029) to take up and focus on.
RCI’s position Paper: “Commission Proposal for a Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation” (May 2023)
This position paper highlights chances for the EU to lead the way to a sustainable packaging industry and to promote innovation.
RCI’s position Paper: “Communication on Sustainable Carbon Cycles” (April 2023)
The Communication on Sustainable Carbon Cycles (December 2021) is a milestone in European policy as it acknowledges the value of carbon as a feedstock and its need in certain sectors. This position paper highlights why this is an important step in the right direction and asks policy makers for effective follow-up.
RCI’s position Paper: “draft EU Policy framework on bio-based, biodegradable and compostable plastics” (October 2022)
The Commission “Policy framework on bio-based, biodegradable and compostable plastics” aims at developing guidance on the sustainable use of bio-based plastics and on the use of biodegradable or compostable plastics. This position paper of the RCI comments on the draft from summer 2022.
RCI’s position Paper: “Mass Balance and free attribution” (October 2022)
This position paper highlights the importance of mass balance and free attribution “MBFA” as one possible way to incentivise the transformation of the chemical sector away from fossil and on towards renewable carbon.
Further publications
Call for Member States to support an EU Sustainable Carbon Policy Package as a part of a future green EU Industrial Deal (May 2024)
The signatories of this proposal (Renewable Carbon Initiative, Bio-based Industries Consortium, BioChem Europe, CO2 Value Europe European Bioplastics, Polyolefin Circular Economy Platform Plastics Europe) urge Member States to support the EU Sustainable Carbon Policy Package for the 2024-2029 term of the European Commission.
Breaking news – Milestone for the Transition to Sustainable Carbon in the European Chemical Industry (May 2024)
A group of four EU member states – the Netherlands, France, Ireland and the Czech Republic – are proposing an overarching long-term European policy framework to the European Commissioner for Climate Action, Wopke Hoekstra, who has warmly welcomed the initiative. The joint statement aims to achieve a transition from fossil to sustainable carbon feedstocks in the chemical industry.
RCI Internal Survey (January 2024)
In a comprehensive member survey in summer 2023, the RCI has collected ideas and opinions on what is needed to enable the transition from fossil to renewable carbon in Europe. The feedback paints a clear picture and is a call to action.
Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) should be recognised as a strategic net zero technology in the EU Net Zero Industry Act (October 2023)
A co-signed letter with CO2 Value Europe, Cefic – European Chemical Industry Council, the European Cement Association (CEMBUREAU), The Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP), UPEI – the Voice of Europe’s Independent Fuel Suppliers, eFuel Alliance, Eurogas, The European Steel Association (EUROFER), FuelsEurope, Methanol Institute and the European Confederation of Fuel Distributors (ECFD) that calls on Members of the EU Parliament and EU Member States to take position to include CCU technologies as part – along with CCS – of the list of strategic net-zero technologies in the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA).
Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) Shapes the Future of the Chemicals and Materials Sector (June 2023)
The June issue of the magazine “Chemical Industry Digest – Special Annual on Sustainability” outlines the goal, vision and achievements of the RCI.
Letter to the Commission on the definition of natural polymers in the REACH microplastics restriction (February 2023)
A co-signed letter with BioChem Europe (a sector group of Cefic), EDANA, EuropaBio, European BioPlastics, and GO!PHA, where specific concerns about the proposed definition of “natural polymers” in the adoption the Synthetic Polymer Microparticles restrictions (REACH Microplastics Restriction) of the European Commission as well as an alternative definition are suggested.